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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
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The workshop, sponsored by WIPO, in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania, and PALEI, aimed to enhance women entrepreneurs' businesses by assisting them in registering trademarks.

The workshop, sponsored by WIPO, in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania, and PALEI, aimed to enhance women entrepreneurs' businesses by assisting them in registering trademarks.


Who We Are

Pan African Legal Empowerment Initiatives (PALEI) is a Non-Governmental Organisation registered under the Non-Governmental Organisations Act (NGO’s Act) No. 24 of 2002 of the laws of Tanzania. Membership is open to individuals interested in law reform, access to justice and development nexus. Membership criteria and categories are governed by the Organisation’s Constitution. The establishment of PALEI comes as an enhancement of the efforts by PALEI members that have so far been put in the pursuit for Law Reform and Access to Justice in courts of Law. The organization was formed in order to have a bigger voice and more visibility for these efforts. Experiences gained through the court rooms by litigating various cases showed that there is a need for systemic and legislative reforms which calls for efforts other than litigation. PALEI therefore comes to take these efforts from the four angles of the Court room to advocacy platforms by employing research, participatory, ADR based and advocacy approaches.

Our History

The immediate inspiration for the Organization’s establishment owes to the celebrated landmark African Court case of Ally Rajabu and Others Versus the United Republic of Tanzania of 2015. Brief facts of the case are that; the Applicants alleged that the provision under section 197 in the Penal Code of Tanzania for the mandatory imposition of the death penalty in cases of murder and the imposition of that penalty by Tanzanian domestic courts constituted a violation of their right to life guaranteed by African Charter. They further alleged that their execution by hanging violates their right to dignity. The efforts of the team of lawyers led by a lawyer who is now the founder of PALEI successfully defended the Applicants. The African Court found that the mandatory provision and imposition of the death sentence under Tanzanian Penal Code does not uphold fairness, due process as and constitutes an arbitrary deprivation of the right to life guaranteed under the African Charter. The Court therefore made an order, among others, that Tanzania undertakes measures to repeal from its Penal Code, the provision for the mandatory imposition of the death penalty in cases of murder. However, the efforts of the said lawyers to have the court judgment implemented proved futile. PALEI was therefore formed to enhance these efforts. While reform of the Tanzanian Penal Code remains the foundation for PALEI’s establishment, the organisation advocates for reform of laws generally. The organisation undertakes constant review of various pieces of law depending on the subject area of priority with the view of suggesting for reforms.


One of the Women Entrepreneurs in Arusha during a Workshop on National Awareness Raising Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs - Intellectual Property for Branding, Product Development and Commercialization. The workshop took place in June, 2023. Ms. Hefsiba makes and distributes liquid and bar soaps.

Official Closure of a Workshop on development of ADR Training Manuals

With Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs (MoCLA), Ms. Mary Makondo (Centre) during closure of a Stakeholders’ workshop on ADR Training Manuals. The Workshop started on 4th and ended on 5th February, 2022 at Flomi Hotel in Morogoro. The Workshop was supervised by MoCLA and coordinated by PALEI.

Our Scope of Operation

PALEI’s geographical coverage is the African continent. However, PALEI started to undertake her projects in Tanzania as a pilot country with the view of replicating the same projects in other African countries. The immediate next destination countries for implementation of PALEI activities have been identified in the strategic plan. The organisation’s strategic planning is therefore designed in a such a way that, on the six-year of operation, PALEI shall expand into the identified countries.The establishment of PALEI comes as an enhancement of the efforts by PALEI members that have so far been put in the pursuit for Law Reform and Access to Justice in courts of Law. The organization was formed in order to have a bigger voice and more visibility for these efforts. Experiences gained through the court rooms by litigating various cases showed that there is a need for systemic and legislative reforms which calls for efforts other than litigation. PALEI therefore comes to take these efforts from the four angles of the Court room to advocacy platforms by employing research, participatory, ADR based and advocacy approaches.

Key Strategic Areas

Law Reform

The role of PALEI in law reform is critical as she informs the law-makers of the views and perspectives of different community groups relating to law reform issues. She as well goes back to the community to inform and engage them about policy and law reforms. During her three-year Strategic Plan (2021-2023), PALEI will address the following criminal justice issues namely; a) delay in completion of investigation, b) bail and bailable offences, c) scope of money laundering d) condition of prisons and retention homes e) criminal sanctions in connection to freedom of expression under cyber-crimes and media services laws and f) implementation of the Ally Rajabu Judgment.

Access to Justice

There is no access to justice where citizens, especially disadvantaged groups fear the system; where the justice system is financially inaccessible; where individuals have no lawyers; where they do not have information or knowledge of rights; or where there is a weak justice system. PALEI in collaboration with public actors and partners strive to see to it that access to justice is enhanced especially as relates to disadvantaged groups and people living in rural area.

Public Interest Litigation (PIL)

Pan African Legal Empowerment Initiatives (PALEI) uses courts of law to advance access to justice, human rights, reform and development of laws, and equality. PALEI raises issues of broad public concern through institution of cases in the courts of law within Tanzania and at regional levels. PALEI benefits from its headquarters being in Arusha where several regional courts are hosted including the East Africa Court of Justice (EACJ) and African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR). The litigation unit, which comprises lawyers with long time experience of practice before local courts, EACJ and AfCHPR, addresses laws and practices that constrain civic space, promote impunity, violate the Constitution and fundamental freedoms by instituting and following up on these cases before the High Court of Tanzania and regional courts. PALEI also collaborates with other human rights and legal institutions including the East Africa Law Society (EALS), African Court Coalition and Pan African Lawyers’ Union (PALU) in advancing her objectives.


Girl Child rights awareness raising campaigns

This project is intended for selected parts of Tanzania where FGM, early marriages, sexual abuse, early pregnancies and denial of schooling to girls are prevalent. PALEI employs a participatory approach through which girls air out their concerns and through which the girl child will build her capacity and confidence to speak about herself and for others about their rights. Awareness raising campaigns are also undertaken among community members as well as local and community leaders.

Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution

This project intends to promote Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (ADR) such as mediation, arbitration, negotiation and reconciliation as a way of dispute settlement in Tanzania. The project will enhance access to justice as it facilitates and promotes ADR systems at all levels – from community to policy making levels in the country.

Women Empowerment in Combating Climate Change for Sustainable Development

This project is intended to empower women to own property at the same time addressing climate change, as a crosscutting issue. The project is intended for Meru and Bahi districts of Arusha and Dodoma regions respectively. The model (VCF Model) combines three economic enterprises in addressing the effect of climate change, namely; Vegetable production, Chicken keeping and Fish farming.

Implementation of the Ally Rajabu Judgment

In the case of Ally Rajabu and 5Others Versus the United Republic of Tanzania (URT), the African Court made an order that Tanzania undertakes measures to repeal from its law the provision for the mandatory imposition of death penalty in cases of murder. During the three-year Operational Plan, PALEI will strategically engage with the government of Tanzania in view of seeing to it that the court judgment is implemented.

WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS - Intellectual Property for Branding, Product Development and Commercialisation for Women Entrepreneurs (In Arusha)

On April 26, 2023 the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in collaboration with the Business Registration and Licensing Agency (BRELA), and Pan African Legal Empowerment Initiatives (PALEI) organized a National Awareness Raising Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs (WE): IP for branding, Product Development and Commercialization, undertaken in Dar Es Salaam and Arusha (in parallel setting) United Republic of Tanzania. The event involved women from Dar Es Salaam and Arusha. Thereafter, three mentors were appointed each of whom signed a contract for mentoring of WE to run from June 30, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The aim of the project is to train, mentor and help Women Entrepreneurs take advantage of trademarks for the commercialization of their businesses.

Our achievements

  • We have built cordial relationships with key law reform Government actors such as the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, the office of the Attorney General, Law Reform Commission of Tanzania and Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs.
  • We are collaborating with the Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs in law reform and access to justice projects.
  • We have participated in various stakeholders’ meetings, workshops and seminars involving the Government and Civil Society organisations on law reform and access to justice.
  • We have been undertaking baseline surveys in order to obtain research- based data for projects funding proposal writing.
  • We have networked with key international partners for programs funding and implementation.


Contact Us.

Make an inquiry or keep in touch with us. The Head Quarters of Pan African Legal Empowerment Initiatives (PALEI) are situated at; Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC), Kilimanjaro Wing, 3rd Floor, Room No.311, ARUSHA.

Office Email: info@panafricaninitiatives.or.tz

Phone: +255 767 379 986 / +255 769 094 414


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